Web based White Board - Day Viewer




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    Matthew McGartland

    Is there any easy way to only display one warehouse's activities?

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    Martin Keller

    How can I display both OUT and BACK on the Day Viewer? I was trying to find the right references in the database, but I find it impossible to understand the db design.

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    David Lucchino (Edited )

    First off: the Day Viewer is amazing. As soon as I set it up at the shop everyone here fell in love with it. 

    ...And then someone had to ask if there's a way to have active/fully prepped jobs remain visible on the day viewer...

    I'm not a coder so i was wondering if there's a (simple) way to achieve this. Either way thanks so much for this awesome tool!

     UPDATE: Figured it out it's line 37 change the <> to =  If (aQuery.fieldbyname('Sum_PreppedQty').asstring = aQuery.fieldbyname('Sum_Quant').asstring) then

    set up a separate "Active book" and seems to work great. Thanks again for this awesome tool!


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    Noah Bard

    I am wondering if there is an answer to Mathew's question about only displaying one warehouse's activities?  Also I am wondering if there is displaying warehouse transfers in a separate way or on a separate screen in a similar method as David talked about with the Active Book.

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    Matias Kenny


     UPDATE: Figured it out it's line 37 change the <> to =  If (aQuery.fieldbyname('Sum_PreppedQty').asstring = aQuery.fieldbyname('Sum_Quant').asstring) then

    Did you replaced the line 37 for =  If (aQuery.fieldbyname('Sum_PreppedQty').asstring = aQuery.fieldbyname('Sum_Quant').asstring) then

    Could you how it looks like line 35 to 38 ?

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    Stephane Pilloud

    Hello , 

    Can you advise someone able to create a script for planner book , crew task ... ? 



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    David Lucchino



    only change i made was:  replace <> with  =   in line 37

    everything else stays the same from daybook   

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    Shane Nilsen



    just found this and have it up an running no problem.

    Trying to get my head around the script to expand to 7 day output.



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    Keith Boreham

    A 7 day version would be cool. One thing I have been trying to figure out is how to get real dates into the column headers instead of Next Working Day and Next Working Day +1, etc...

    Also, I have modified mine quite a bit and have a few different flavors if anyone is interested. I might need to clean them up a bit first though. I have:

    Eqlists going Out

    Eqlists Coming Back

    All Transport requests including Transport Tasks.

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    Andrew Bartlett

    Hi Keith,

    I think you will find quite a bit of interest.... andrew@enlx.co.uk :-)

    I'm really keen to find a way to display to do equipment lists to be returned!  Transport display sound neat.

    Many thanks



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    Colin Paxton (Edited )

    We have tried a few different options page space wasn't working brilliantly on additional columns for us, everything seemed quite bunched up when we got much over 5 columns and the information became less useful. We have now moved to a list view that shows a little more information per a line but is more desktop friendly and has a load of links to further information (all in we now have about 40 "toolbox" pages) 

    Keith regarding dates if you just want the specific dates the easiest option is:

    For today: output.writeln(DateToStr(Now))

    For tomorrow: output.writeln(DateToStr(Now+1))

    For day after: output.writeln(DateToStr(Now +2))

    Challenge with this page is the "Next working Day" in the default file returns multiple days if you are looking at the end of the week. To get around that I would probably just copy the "if(curDay < 5) then" section up to the column headers and just get it to put in the correct dates based on which day of the week it is.

    If you want day names that is doable:

    First up in the variables section you need to define an array (this is basically just a list of different text items):

    LongDayNames : array[1..7] of string;

    In the general code area you need to then populate the array:

    LongDayNames[1] := 'Sunday';
    LongDayNames[2] := 'Monday';
    LongDayNames[3] := 'Tuesday';
    LongDayNames[4] := 'Wednesday';
    LongDayNames[5] := 'Thursday';
    LongDayNames[6] := 'Friday';
    LongDayNames[7] := 'Saturday';

    Then where you want to output you need to: (The "DayOfWeek(Date)" function returns a number 1-7 based on the day of week)


    Hopefully that makes sense!

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    Keith Boreham

    Thanks Colin, that is awesome! I will give it a whirl.

    Andrew, give me a couple days to see what type of cleanup will be required. Right now they are very customized to our business. I'll go in with broad strokes, but you might need to tweak them a bit for your business.

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    Shane Nilsen

    Colin and Keith. Fantastic.


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    Shane Nilsen (Edited )

    Quick question - what is the programming language? Delphi??



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    Colin Paxton

    nxscript is a variation of PascalScript and almost all the online resources related to that apply.

    There is a little information here:


    The server also comes with a couple of example nxscript files which give a little more insight into how it works,

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    Keith Boreham

    I was able to finally get the dates into the column headers per Colin's suggestions. It turned out very good!



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    Mark Buckley

    Hi All,
    Has anyone built a Sales Dashboard?

    Our sales team are wanting to have QPC by person by month ect 

    Many Thanks

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    Keith Boreham


    No sales dashboard here, but off the top of my head it would seem that any eqlist based design should be rather easy to convert to a sales-only version with one line of code in the SQL. I could be wrong though as I haven't looked at it in a long time. What happens when you run the version here that is available for download? It would seem as though the code in that version is a little old, and therefore should display ALL types of lists, including sales lists. Is that the case?

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    David Rose

    Mark Buckley - when you say Dashboard, do you mean this, which is based around QBEs

    or do you mean a web board of some kind ?

    Either way we can write something for you. Just drop a ticket in to support and they'll give you an idea of the price.

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    David Lucchino

    Hi Keith Boreham ,

    Much interested in your " eqlists coming back " viewer. :)  Would you be able to send my way when you have the chance?


    Thank you!






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    Keith Boreham

    Sent to David, and I'm happy to share with anyone else. To reiterate, I have 3 Daybook viewers that were derived off of this original design. All 3 are very different from the original though.

    The Eqlists Out and Eqlists Back viewers were used by Operations, and they were on a computer at the back door of the shop. The idea with these was to alert Operations of everything that was supposed to come in and out of that back door throughout the day. This includes both Eqlists and Subhires. Project Managers found it helpful too. It does not track the status of the prep as the original viewer does.

    The third one is for Transport, which shows all transport requests for the 3 days. These include transport tasks as well, so this one was also very helpful at the backdoor of the shop. We were able to keep everyone on the same page when it came to truck maintenance, and deliveries outside of Hiretrack. (Which we stored in the Planner Tasks). The tiles also display the vehicle allocation, which in our company were the driver's names. So for us, we could also see who the intended driver was for all Transport requests. If anyone is interested, just post your email.

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    David Lucchino

    Thanks Keith!

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    Hi Keith Boreham

    We are also interested in those reports.
    I enclose my email to see how we can implement these processes in our company


    Thank you very much

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    Keith Boreham

    I have a new update to my Jobs Out whiteboard. This is the one that was designed as an overview of everything leaving the shop over the next 3 days... eqlists going out, and subhire's being returned to vendors. Well I have now added a new tile. If the eqlist has the Prep checkbox enabled, the tile then begins to appear on that date with a different tint. The tile then remains on the grid everyday during the prep until the day it goes out. The sample below shows the subhire return with the yellow tint, the preps scheduled have the orange tint, and then normal eqlists going out remain white. I'm happy to share the update with anyone who wants it. Just post your email address if interested.


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    Chad Carpenter

    Thanks Keith... Good stuff, as always.   

    Would you mind posting your code for your version of the Day Viewer? 

    If not, my email is: ccarpenter@absolutepros.com

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    Mattias Hedberg

    Great work Kieth!

    I would love to try out your Day viewers. They look great.
    If it's possible I would be superglad if you could email the files to info@caligolighting.se

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards


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    Keith Boreham

    Happy to share

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    Keith Boreham

    Over the years, several people have asked me if a 5-day version of my Daybook scripts was available. The answer to that was always no.... until today! I now have a 5 column version of all 3 Daybook scripts for anyone who is interested.

    The first one (Jobs Out) shows Eqlists which are due to go out the door, and also Subhires (in yellow) which are scheduled to be returned to their vendors. (Also going out the door). A 3rd feature of this script is that any Eqlist which has the Prep checkbox enabled will show up as an orange tile, and that tile will stay active every day until the Date Out of the list. The general idea with this script is to give the Operations Manager an overview of all things leaving the building over the next 5 days, and also a vision of the overall shop schedule.


    The next script is the Jobs Back. This one is similar to the Jobs Out script, only is shows everything expected to return to the show (coming in the door), as well as Subhires which are due to arrive. (Also coming in the door).


    And then lastly, is the Transport script which shows all Transport requests and Transport Tasks that are created in the Planner. Those tiles are shown in yellow once again.


    Happy to share with anyone who is interested. Post your email. The code is quite extensive for these 3 scripts, so it's easier to just email them to you.

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    It is always good to have this information for the future.


    Thanks Keith Boreham

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    Keith Boreham

    Dark Mode versions of my 5 column scripts are now available...    😎





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