There are several ways to integrate HireTrack NX and Zapier. The simplest is Polling.
With Polling, Zapier requests data from HireTrack NX on a regular basis (up to every 15 minutes depending on your Zapier account).
Zapier does this by calling a HireTrack NX QBE and then using the data from the QBE to act on another application.
Examples of this could be looking at what jobs have changed and sending this information to Slack or looking at new Address book entries and sending this information to SalesForce.
To start the process the first thing required is a suitable QBE.
These are written via the Integration book.
Click on the Poll Tab, then expand the Zapier section and click the green Plus to create a new QBE
Name the QBE "Get Jobs Changes". In the Editor Window we need to create a QBE or write some SQL that generates the data for Zapier.
For this sample, click on the SQL Editor radio button
and copy the following SQL and paste it into the SQL Code window and Press the Save button.
SELECT idx AS id,
changenarrative AS Overview,
changeinfo AS Details,
changedate AS "Date"
FROM joblogs
WHERE changedate > current_timestamp - interval '3' day
NOTE: There are a some important areas of the Query to be aware of.
- There MUST be a unique numeric field called id. (SELECT idx AS id)
- The data must be Ordered by the id field in descending order - if it's not, then Zapier will not find any new data. (ORDER BY id DESC)
- Alias the fields so that they'll make sense to someone using Zapier - that might not be you or even someone that understands the database. (changenarrative AS Overview)
- The query wants to be as efficient as possible - it could run every 5 minutes - you don't want something that stalls your server, so don't JOIN any unnecessary tables and only select the minimum number of fields required.
- The data sent to Zapier should be as small as possible, in the above example we only send 3 days worth of data - enough to catch up if the integration fails for some reason, but not so much as to swamp the integration.
Click on the Preview Tab and check that the data retrieved is what you expect and that it's displayed in descending order of id
Once we've got the Integration QBE working, the next step is to configure it in Zapier.
Assuming that you have already installed the integration service and configured Zapier (see log in to your Zapier account.
In the Zapier web interface, click the Make a Zap button
Select HireTrack NX as your Trigger App - if it's not already displayed, then type HireTrack NX in the search box
NOTE: If you are trying this during the beta stage, then you will only find HireTrack NX if we have invited you to participate in the programme.
We now need to configure the Trigger.
In the Zap builder Wizard, select Select Output QBE, which is the default, and click continue
Select the existing Alias connection (you have the opportunity to create a new Alias connection at this stage, but there usually would be no need), and press the Test button to confirm it's working. The press Save & Continue.
Zapier will then prompt for the Output QBE - this is the QBE we just created. Click on the dropdown and Zapier will request a list of suitable QBE's from HireTrack NX.
Select Get Jobs Changes (the number after refers to the entry in your HireTrack NX QBE table and will vary depending on how many other QBE's you have created.) and press Continue.
Zapier will then attempt to collect some data from HireTrack NX - usually three records, and will display that so that you can confirm that everything is working as expected. Once you're happy that the data is what you expected, click Continue.
We now need to add an Action Step i.e What are we going to do with the data Zapier has just collected from HireTrack NX. Click on the Add one now! link.
We're going to send our Zap info to Slack (a corporate messaging system).
Zapier asks us what we're going to do in Slack - we're going to send a Channel Message i.e a message to the whole Sales team. Click Send Channel Message and click Save + Continue.
Verify your connection to Slack
Next we're going to tell Zapier what to do with the data retrieved from HireTrack NX. Depending on how you prefer to work you can either see the data as values e.g J47536:EQ1 STATUS or as FieldNames e.g Overview. This is configured using the Setup Preview. I prefer seeing the field name, so I switch it off.
Next we need to set up where we're sending the message that something has changed.
Select a Slack channel - I've chosen sales_stuff, you'll choose one belonging to your Slack.
Then we need to write the message text.
We'll write something like "A change has happened in HireTrack NX...." and then include the data that changed.
Firstly write the text you want (underlined below in green), then click on the field selector (indicated in red below) and finally click on the data you want, which will copy the field from the sector to the Message Text box.
Next we need to tell Zapier that we want the message announcing as having come from HireTrack NX.
In the Send as bot box, enter yes. In the Bot Name enter HireTrack NX and in the Bot Icon enter the following URL
The rest of the fields on this form can be ignored. Finally Click Continue.
Zapier will now offer to test the zap.
Click the Send Test to Slack button
After a few seconds, the test data will appear in Slack
Click Finish in Zapier
Give your Zap a name and switch it on.
We can now make a change in HireTrack NX and see it appear in Slack.
Here I changed the job title and the job status
and here the information has been sent to Slack
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