Welcome to our customer support pages.
We want you to be at peace with our software so we've put together this web help portal - Zendesk. This is an integrated solution where you can find video clips demonstrating how to use different parts of the program, knowledge base articles covering common questions & problems, a library of useful files that can be downloaded as well as and most importantly the history of your past support cases.
Please login to submit a support issue, browse the knowledgebase or contribute to our forums.
If you don't already have an account, then provided your organisation is already registered with us, simply registering using an email address from your organisation's domain will automatically create a personal account for you.
If you would like an account that uses a different email address, (such as @gmail.com etc), then please email support@navigator.co.uk detailing which registered organisation your account should be affiliated with.
Once your account had been created, you will receive a welcome email and have full access to this site.
The video clip below gives an overview of these new features and how to use them.
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